Microsoft direct9
But, before it finished the installation this error message popped up. A cabinet file necessary for installation cannot be trusted. Please verify the Cryptographics Services are enabled and the cabinet file certificate is valid. Use the DirectX Redist June installer. This has all the files that are in 9. Using the DX Redist June installer package is not generally necessary unless there are corrupt files though.
You may get a message to Sign Out , but I believe if your Win10 has the most recent updates you will not need to sign out. I'm not sure if not needing to sign out to disable or enable Direct Play started on my machine with the version update,. Was this reply helpful? Yes No. Sorry this didn't help. Thanks for your feedback. Hello, I am trying to play a game on Windows 10 however the game fails to boot up saying that it needs DirectX 9.
Can someone explain what I am doing wrong and how to fix it? See how to enable scripts. Select Language:.
Details Version:. File Name:. Date Published:. File Size:. System Requirements Supported Operating System. Install Instructions Click the Download button on this page to start the download, or choose a different language from the drop-down list and click Go.