Kovai jayaraman bhajans download

Let him bless us for our en devour for enlightenment. Let us have the Darshan of Bhagavathar turned Sanyasin, to obey his guru's mission of spreading the namasankeerthanam throughout the world. What a, personality, simplicity, pious, ever smiling, ever caring, unbiased So much I can wri te but I truly believe words will nearly fail my thoughts about him.

So Scholarly in this subject of our field, he can sing many many, songs just from his memory.. He toured the whole world for namasankeerthanam, when he was under rated by his fellow singers during those period. He returned victorious and without any hesitation arranged a bhajan mela with those of them to show all are equal in the eyes of a true sanyasin A true Sadhaka and trained sanyasin kept healing so many people without any publicity as per the tradition of my Gurunathar H.

Swami Gnananandha Giri Maharaj. Saadhu Darshanam Paapa Vimochanam.. Let us have the Darshan of yet another Great Bhagavathar today. Just writing his name I could feel his vibration in all the my body. Such a dynamic, learned, sincere bhagavathar of yesteryears. He is One man army. His Goal is accomplishing his mission. Did he achieved it?. I have witnessed.

Fighting his throat Cancer, he conducted his last seetha kalyanam, he usually does every year for more than 45 years. Within 10 days he attained his Mukthi. Down the memory lane I could see the conviction he had on that day. Despite his family members protest he conducted the seetha kalyanam and directed me to sit by his side and made me sing for the dance during that time.

A vedic scholar he was fearless to correct his fellowmen when they make mistakes. His anger on site, this phrase is intended for you youngsters, for others it will be "during bhajans" is popular. He was always right you know!. He never wanted people to see the printed books to refer in those days. He wanted every one's attention should be fixed on the LORD. A relentless worker.

Never bothered about the crowd nor about any accompaniments. But I know so many Mridangam artistes and Harmonium players volunteered for his bhajan. His bhajan were of Classroom type. Once you attended one it will be in your memory always. His divyanama bhajans and Puja Sessions were just Awesome. You must believe that only youngsters frequented to his session in more numbers. He was a darling for a lot of us.

He was user friendly. He will adjust to any situation. Never minded the food, timings, hospitality, logistic difficulties. With his blessings only I dedicated my whole life for Namasankeerthana.

I adopted his singing style, working nuances, adjustability. To reach this height is amazing but A Guru will always guide you properly. He left behind his son Ramachandra Rao to take up his work. He also does very beautifully and his father's blessings will always be there for him. My Best wishes to him. Let us have the Dharshan of a Great Bhagavathar today.

Superstar of yesteryears. Any comment or remark or explanation about his skills on his field will be of no use and the writer will never justify his writing. Such a great Bhagavathar this field has ever produced. He was a Trier, a true performer, perfectionist. More over I remember the way he was loved by the audience. He was consi dered equal to any Film personalities or Great Carnatic musicians of those days.

The crowd puller himself, I wondered why this man is glowing? He never applied any cosmetics but looked very fresh and beautiful even ordinary layman will not take back his eyes leave alone the ladies gathering. He was first in everything. When he danced the crowd went berserk. When he enacted Bakthi Stories like Daksha yagnam, crowd hailed his conversational skills.

I will never hesitate to tell you all that, he was the one turned the attention of ordinary people towards Namasankeerthanam. It was not accepted to most artistes of those days. But this service of him, has made tremendous effect among public and more and more people have organized bhajan activities elsewhere in Tamilnadu and neighbouring states. He performed pure south indian traditional bhajans and for attracting more people enacted devotional dramas and dance. In those days public were reluctant to attend Bhajans owing to various Socio-Relegious-Political climate.

I cannot forget the "Sandhana Kaattukkulle". You can visualise the real Oonjal flying back and forth in front of your eyes. Lord Shiva's celestial dance in "Daksha Yagnam". An everlasting performance of a Kurathi Mountain Girl in which I have seen people cry virtually when he tells his own story dubiously that of the kurathi.

I have not given enough, I have just started One thing is for sure Whatever tactics we do nowadays to pull and keep the audience, for spreading the Namasankeerthana, are from this Great Bhagavathar only. We have been blessed to be associated with him. Words will do nothing to show you the picture of my mind..

Let me close this now and I fondly remember His Sishyaas E. Srinivasan, E. Venkataraman, T. Let us have the Dharshan of yet another Great Bagavathar the namasankeerthana field has produced.

Sri Mayavaram Krishnamurthy Bhagavathar. He has reined this field for more than 6 decades. Words stumble to explain his Bhajans. What should I say. I remember the days I was with him when he was in full form. On Harmonium Mayavaram Sri. They produced an aura of Divinity which spectator still would remember.

About his performance?. Who will sing like that? The melody of his voice mesmorised the audience. He is one of the foremost Bagavathar in this field to introduce Dance during Bhajans. For which he underwent training which please note. He danced to some padams, javalis, for Dheepa Aavahanams etc. While dancing he will sing for himself and put Thalam himself. The song will be of some Rhythms Thalakkattu Consult some elders.

His Thalam will be on different Rhythms and the feet with yet another. Amazing Skills. I never saw him cough once even after 15 days of continuous day and night performance. God's Gift. I am so glad that his tradition is carried on by his son Gnanaguru Bagavathar.

All the best to him. Let this Great Bhagavathar bless us today. Let us have a Darshan of a noble bhagavathar today. Every house in our Southern part of India is strict in maintaining their tradition, culture and glory of their clan.

He was asked to undergo musical training as per his Dad's wish. Usual house pooja, A chaara Anushtana, Unchavridhi were given to him. He started accompanying his Great Master, Daddy, sorry for my language He has served Bhajan Sampradhaya for around 65 years before handing over the torch to his Sons.

Like Father like son.. He has travelled length and breath of our Motherland, for the purpose of spreading namasankeerthana. He has kept alive the tradition of his father and only in his period this tradition was called Pudukkottai Paddathi.. He encouraged younger generation widely and earned a reputation from his fellow men for his humble and adjustable nature. This photo was taken when he graciously accepted to perform in our house 20 years back.

I will be always thankful to him as His Bhajan and his Puja in our house has transformed my whole life and I owe him for what ever I am now.

My pranams to this Great Bhagavathar. Sri Sri Sanjeevi Bhagavatha Swami. Have the Darshan of this great bhagavathar today.

A great Guru for many of the elderly bhagavathaas now living. A great inspiration for lakh and lakh ordinary people. One who has transformed quiet a lot of people to believe in Namasankeerthanam. His true traditional, devotional, singing has its root from his native village "Sornakkadu" where many Bhagavathaas were living. His true unshakeable devotion towards his Kuladeivam Lord Narasimha has granted a boon of taking the tradition of Namasankeerthanam from this Mahatma till today in his family.

Namasankeerthanam gives you health, wealth, peace, prosperity and also kith and kin to take the torch for future. Let us prostrate before this Mahathma. Let us have the Dharshan of a Great Bhagavathar who lived upto 92 years who recently passed away. He has conducted a Sita Kalyanam and a Radha Kalyanam for more than 70 years individually from the meager income of a Prohit in a village called Kattuputhur in Trichy Dist.

He was born to his parents after their sincere prayer to Sri Sadhasiva Brhmendral a great saint from a nearby village called Nerur as a prasadham. A very pious, sincere Bhagavathar who commanded highest regards from his fellow artistes.

Lets have darshan of Great Bhagavathars today. Let us have a darshan of Great Bhagavathars today. This Photograph was taken in at a Radhakalyanam held at Kallukuzhi, Trichy.

Radhe Krishna! Tapovana Gnananandhaki JAI.. Sadguru Gnananandamoorthyki JAI. Poojyasri Nityanandha giri Swamigal of Tapovanam. Anugraha Bhashanam. Loving service to the guru is very important for attainment of wisdom. Only one who serves the spiritual master, says the Swami, comes to possess the wisdom that is taught by him, just as only he who digs with a spade gets water. There is nothing in this world which cannot be attained with the anugraha or favour of the guru. The gift of Gnanananda.

The sage was giving darshan to members of a guided trip to His ashram. I was with my mother as part of a group. Mother was worried about her growing hearing disability, but her affinity for the Sage was such that she wanted to communicate with Him then and there. Read more ». Bhagwan Krishna and Narada were going in a forest. After travelling a distance, Krishna felt thirsty. He asked Narada to fetch Him water. Narada went immediately to get water.

Vasanthakumari were and still are popularly referred to as the Female trinity of Carnatic Music. This trio initiated the entry of women into mainstream Carnatic Music. She has been appreciated all over the world by Carnatic music lovers. Sangeetha Kalanidhi Maharajapuram Santhanam :. He was born in Sirunangur, a village in the state of Tamil Nadu. He followed the footsteps of his father Maharajapuram Viswanatha Iyer who was also a Carnatic singer.

Free Download Maharajapuram Santhanam Collections Aruna Sairam :. She is a recipient of the Padma Shriaward from the Government of India. Born on May 12, Thiruvarur, Tamil Nadu. Early Life. She later received training from prominent vocalists, Madurai Somasundaram and T. She also learnt the art of pallavi singing from T.

Subramaniam More Free Download Aruna Sairam Collections. Sudha Raghunathan :. She was awarded a Padma Shri for excellence in singing. She was born in Bangalore and went to Good Shepherd Convent. She did higher education at Bangalore, karnataka and obtained a Masters Degree in Economics. She started singing at nine years of age. Later, she received her training from her mother Choodamani, and continued the training under B.

She has received the Artistes for advamced training in Carnatic music. In , through the success of her first performance, she got a scholarship to study music under Padma Bhushan, Sangita Kalanidhi Dr.

She is married to Ragunathan and they have two children. Free Download Sudha Rahunathan Collections Bombay Sisters:. The Bombay sisters , C. Saroja and C. Lalitha, are a Carnatic music singing duo. Early Life :. Bombay Sisters were born in Bombay. They have been trained by H. Mani, Musiri Subramania Iyer and T. Govinda Rao. Career :. Part of the trend of duo singing in Carnatic music, which started in the s, with performers like Radha Jayalakshmi, and Soolamangala, Sisters,they have been singing since when they started with light classical music, subsequently progressing to classical music; they sing in multiple languages including Sanskrit, Kannada, Telugu,Tamil,Malayalam, Hindi and Marathi.

They are also known for promoting young musicians through endowments and scholarships. Free Download Bombay sisters Collections. Arun :. Vaidyanathan or Arun, as he is more popularly called, is undoubtedly one of the most gifted Carnatic Musicians in the Country. He is known for his sonorous voice that he wields with much confidence and musical personality and which he employs in tandem with his superior stagemanship.

Arun inherits the mantle of singing from a family where music has been a way of life. Arun was given to Carnatic Music in the Parivar [arampara, and he began his music lessons under the careful ear of his father Vidwan O. Arun later qualified Alankar Purna from Gandharva Mahavidyalaya. He also has a wide repertoire of songs, which has earned him a keen following.

Sanjay Subramaniyam. He performed in many concerts in India and overseas and has won many awards for his excellence. He believes that listening takes a musician closer to perfection. He is very simple and very open. He is a strong cricket fan. Free Download Sanjay Subramaniyam Collections. Nithyashri, is an eminent Carnatic musician and playback singer for film songs in many Indian languages.

Nithyashree has performed in all major sabhas in India and has presented her concerts in many destinations around the world. She has received multiple awards and honours, and has released more than commercial albums. Free Download Nithyasree Mahadevan Collections.

Priya Sisters.


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